Magic Trick #1

Effect: Magician states that he can make a coin vanish merely by rubbing it on his elbow. The first two times he tries he fails. But open the third time vanishes into thin air. He then reproduces it from his ear (or some other unlikely place).

Method: The magician borrows a coin from a spectator, taking it with his right hand. He places the coin in his left hand. He places his right elbow on the table and rests his chin on his right fist. As he starts to rub the coin on his elbow he pretends to drop it on the table. He picks it up with his right hand and places it in his left. He again starts to rub his elbow and drops the coin. He picks up the coin with his right hand and pretends to put it in his left. Actually he secretly keeps it in his right hand. He again rubs the pretend coin on his right elbow but his time he takes his left hand away and the coin appears to have vanished. He then pretends to take the coin out of his ear.

# 2


Your friend reaches into their pocket and grabs a handful of coins and sets them on the table. You turn your back and they pick one coin up, remembering what the date on the coin was.

Then they take the coin and mix it up with the rest of the change. You pick up each coin, and by looking at the date on the coin, are able to figure out which coin they selected.


This one is a very cool coin trick. Want to learn how to do this coin trick? Great. The way it works is that when you are picking up the coins in order to "look at the date", what you are actually doing is feeling the heat of the coins. Because of what's called "specific heat" in physics - metals conduct heat better than wood and other materials. It's because of this fact that when someone holds onto a coin for even just 20 or 30 seconds, the heat from their fingers will be transferred to the coin.